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Temples, Oslo, Hackney, London, October 6th 2016

New tunes aired… Stronger performance… TEMPLES are back. JON ‘MOJO’ MILLS approves

Pic: Carla Salvatore

Shindig! hadn’t seen Temples since Green Man 2015, so it was with baited breath we entered Oslo to see them in this small venue show leading up to the long-awaited next album. Having heard new single ‘Certainty’ expectation was high. What would the new material be like? Would they wig out the known material? After more than a year touring the world how would the performance be?

‘Certainty’, the new single, has a late ’70s/early ’80s Euro prog/pop/electronic style, that suits the band incredibly well; ‘Strange But Not Forgotten’ almost, and I say almost, reminds this writer of a-ha, via it’s high yearning vocal and anthemic Euro vibe kissed by an underlying ’60s pop melody,  ‘Roman God-Like Man’ has a far more Eno-esque mid-’70s art-rock borderline glam edge, and is particularly memorable, whilst ‘Mirror’ has a definite psychedelic edge filtered through a late ’70s post-punk sheen that is a clever melodic, experimental reinterpretation of older music via the early ’80s. Temples have a knack at making crowd pleasing pop that is both psychedelic and commercial. Judging from the new material, they have the “sound of 2017” nailed.


And yes, years on the road have really shaped this most photogenic band. That needs to be mentioned, as bands should look like bands… not regular Joes. Temples look every bit stars, and always have. If their early shows were often a little coy and muted, now when playing old faves they colour the music with a confidence and a patina of Harvest era Floyd and Charisma era Hawkwind. They extend songs, reshape them, add shimmering textures, effects and create a room filling pulse. Bold, loud, assured! Playing extensively has really grown the band, and in the live setting they stun.

We look forward to seeing what 2017 brings.

Pic: Carla Salvatore

Set List
Colours To Life
Sun Structures
Roman God-Like Man
Keep In The Dark
Move With The Season
Strange Or Be Forgotten
Shelter Song
A Question Isn’t Answered
Sand Dance

Pic: Carla Salvatore
Pic: Carla Salvatore
Pic: Carla Salvatore

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