Shindig! Broadcast #138 – Our monthly Soho Radio show
JON ‘MOJO’ MILLS goes it alone this month, letting the music talk for itself
Celine Dessberg ‘Selenge’
The Sacred Souls / Colors ‘Live For You – A Colors Show’
M Ross Perkins ‘I Don’t Want To Be So High’
The Violet Mindfield ‘Supersonic Girl’ (Distorted Portrait)
The Sea Urchins ‘A Morning Odyssey’
Delta ‘Cuckoo’
Kathy McCord ‘Rainbow Ride’
The Blues Project ’Steve’s Song’
Stephen Still, Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield ‘It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry’
Al Kooper ‘Camille’
Hannah Cohen ‘Earthstar’
Pearl Charles ‘Step Too Far’
Terrence Boylan ‘Shake It’
The Orange Wedge ‘From The Womb To The Tomb’
Thee Kavaliers ‘Congregation For Anti-Flirts Inc’
The Chob ‘We’re Pretty Quick’
Teddy & His Patches ’Suzy Creamcheese’
The Breakers ‘I Ain’t Dead Yet’
The Motion ‘The Thief’
Bedlam 4 ‘Hydrogen Atom (Or Mushrooms Are In’
David Clayton Thomas & The Bossmen ‘Brainwashed’
The Hallmarks ‘Soul Shakin’ Psychedelic Sally’
The Gentlemen ‘It’s A Cry’n’ Shame’
The Plague ‘Go Away’
Colin Scot ‘My Rain’
Judy Collins ‘First Boy I Loved’
Shelagh McDonald ‘Dowie Dens Of Yarrow’
Tucky Buzzard ’Time Will Be Your Doctor’
Gracious ‘Blue Skies & Alibis’
John Cameron ‘The Competitors’